Service quality and customer service performance – The case of vietnam joint stock commercial bank for private enterprises



– Figure 1: Set up business strategy framework 9
– Figure 1.1: Comprehensive strategic management by Fred R. David 11
– Figure 2.1: Organization chart of PVC – Mekong 24
– Figure 2.3: GDP index of Can Tho city 29
– Figure 2.5: Population and labor chart of Can Tho 31
– Figure 2.6: PetroVietnam’s portfolio in Mekong delta region 35
– Figure 3.1: Re-Organization chart of PVC-Mekong 63


Table 2.1: Business result of PVC-Mekong in 2008-2010 period 25
Table 2.2: Total revenue of PVC-Mekong 2009-2010 26
Table 2.3: GDP Index of Can Tho city 28
Table 2-5: GDP growth by sector in 2004-2009 period 33
Table 2.6: PVN portfolio in Mekong delta region 34
Table 2.7: Balance sheet of PVC-Mekong (2009 and 2010) 40
Table 2.9: Business Index analysis of PVC-Mekong (2009 and 2010) 41
Table 2.10: PVC-Mekong External Factors Evaluation (EFE) 43
Table 2.12: Competitive Profile Matrix of PVC-Mekong 47
Table 2.13: SWOT Matrix of PVC-Mekong 48


1. The need for thesis research 7
2. Research objective 8
3. Objects and scope of the study 8
4. Methodology 9
5. Structure of the study 9


1.1. The concept of strategy and strategy management 10
1.1.1. The concept of strategy 10
1.1.2. The concept of strategy management 10
1.1.3. The role of Strategy management 11
1.2. Classification of business strategies 12
1.2.1. Corporation-level strategy 12
1.2.2. Strategic Business Unit (SBU) 12
1.2.3. Function-level strategy 13
1.3. Strategic management process 13
1.3.1. External evironment analysis 13
1.3.2. Macro environment 13
1.3.3. Analysis of industry environment (micro-environment) 15
1.4. Internal environment analysis 16
1.4.1. Human resources 17
1.4.2. Finance 17
1.4.3. Management Activities 17
1.5. Strategy tools 17
1.5.1. External Factor Evaluation (EFE) 18
1.5.2. Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) 18
1.5.3. Competitive profile matrix (CPM) 18
1.5.4. SWOT matrix 19
1.5.5. Internal/External matrix (IE) 19
1.5.6. Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) 20


2.1. General information of PVC-Mekong 21
2.1.1. Company introduction 21
2.1.2. The PVC-Mekong organization structure 23
2.1.3. Operation Markets and the key partners of the Company 24
2.1.4. Business results of PVC-Mekong in three years (2008-2010) 25
2.2. Analysis of environmental  27
2.2.1. Macro Environment: 27
2.2.2. Micro Environment 36
2.3. Analysis of internal environment 39
2.3.1. Financial capability 39
2.3.2. Human Resource Management 41
2.3.3. Marketing 41
2.3.4. Product Quality 42
2.3.5. Leadership and management of the executive 42
2.3.6. External environmental evaluation matrix (EFE) 42
2.3.7. Internal environmental evaluation matrix (IFE) 45
2.3.8. Competitive Profile matrix of PVC-Mekong 47
2.3.9. SWOT Matrix 48
2.3.10. QSPM Matrix 49


3.1. Set up business strategy for PVC-Mekong 54
3.1.1. Development and investment strategy 55
3.1.2. Marketing and brand development strategy 56
3.1.3. Enterprise restructuring strategy 56
3.2. Implementing solutions 58
3.2.1. Developing investment solutions 58
3.2.2. Marketing and brand development solutions 58
3.2.3. Business restructuring solutions 60


1. The need for thesis research

In the competitive situation taking place in all areas of business, if a company would like to survive and develope in the marketplace, the most important and necessary is to identify and orient business objectives, consistent with the frequent changes and suddenly the business environment to ensure sustainable development for business. To survive and develop, businesses need to build their own orientations. The economy structure of Mekong Delta region in general and Can Tho city in particular is changing towards increasing industrial and construction. In particular, the projected growth rate of the construction industry in 2011 will be getting 16.4% (period 1997- 2001 is 14.79%). In addition, forecasts of population growth of the Mekong Delta during this period has increased about 22.1 million people with GDP expected to 7,755,000 VND /person/year. 

Reference from the practical situation, to set up the business strategy for every construction business is very essential, it helps the business has right way to develop, clear business objectives. Today’s business environment is rapidly changing, globally competitive businesses always require active and creative to adapt to such changes. That’s the reason why group No 6 selected the subject “Set up the developing strategies for PVC-Mekong Company in 2011-2015 and orientation to 2025”.

2. Research objective

To assess the status of business operating of company, thereby determining the results achieved as well as shortcomings in production and business activities of company (from 2008 to 2010) which combined with the direction and objectives of the business strategy to develop production and business activities of company in the period 2011-2015 with a vision to 2025.

3. Objects and scope of the study

Object of the study is PetroVietnam Urban Development Joint Stock Company (PVC-Mekong) that is a company has multi business lines in which the main field of activity is the civil and industrial construction. Operating areas of the company is mainly in Can Tho city and the neighboring provinces in the Mekong Delta region.
On defined goals based on the previous period, current capacity and direction in the coming years, then offers solutions and suggestions on development investment, human resources, financial and production.

4. Methodology

– Desk research method: the information is collected from books, lectures, specialized reports, newspapers, magazines, statistics, information from the website …
– Sources of internal information is the balance sheet, statement production and business activities, the annual financial reports from 2008 to 2010.
5. Structure of the study Introduction
Chapter 1: Literature review
Chapter 2: Analyzing the business environment of PVC-Mekong Chapter 3: Set up strategic business for PVC-Mekong Conclusions and recommendations.


1.1. The concept of strategy and strategy management

1.1.1. The concept of strategy

The term strategy derives from the military field with the sense to point out the large and long-term plans based on what is sure that the enemy can do, what the enemy can not do. Since then the term business strategy was born, according to the traditional strategy is to identify the fundamental long-term goals of an organization from which to make concrete action plans with the use resources appropriately to achieve the goals set forth.
According to Alfred Chandler: “The strategy includes the basic long-term goals of an organization, and choose the measures or process of actions, allocate resources necessary to implement those goals”.

1.1.2. The concept of strategy management

According to Alfred Chander:”Strategic management is the process of determining the basic long-term goals of the organization, selection or way of action and distribution of resources necessary to implement that goal.”
According to Fred R. David: “Strategic management can be defined as an art and science establishment, implementation and evaluation of decisions related functionality allows an organization to achieve goals out “.
According to John Pearce II and Richard B. Robinson:”Strategic management is a set of decisions and actions to establish and implement plans to achieve business goals.”


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